حل كتاب النشاط انجليزي ثالث متوسط ف1 الفصل الاول 1445

حل كتاب الانجليزي super goal 3 الصف الثالث المتوسط الفصل الدراسي الاول ف1 1445 2023 pdf النشاط محلول كاملا الطبعة الجديدة تحميل حلول اسئلة تمارين مادة اللغة الانجليزية صف ثالث متوسط الترم الاول ١٤٤٥ سوبر قول ٣ تصفح عرض مباشر اونلاين على موقع مادتي التعليمي
English workbook super goal 3 term 1 1445
Do you lose track of how much money you spend?
Are you a shopping addict? That means you can’t stop shopping. Take this test and find out. Circle yes or no.
Do you think about shopping a lot?
Complete each sentence with the verb in parentheses. Then rewrite each sentence. Use an adverb of frequency.
Read the chart. Ask and answer a question about each person. Use How many…? /
Write about each photo. Use the words to ask questions and give answers.
Sabah and her friends / usually / on Thursday // often
Do you sometimes watch TV with your family?
Write about yourself. Answer the questions. Use adverbs/expressions of frequency
Do you generally do your homework in the afternoon?
Do you usually sleep late on the weekend?
When are you going to leave?
Now write a paragraph about your trip. Use the information from the travel agent’s form above
Martin’s Motel is close to the falls
The Broadview Hotel has a pool
Visitors wear raincoats to go behind the falls
Write T for True or F for False
Answer these questions about the reading
Why is he staying up late?
Write a conversation between Faisal and Adnan about Faisal’s Saturday plans
How many family members are traveling with you?
Complete the conversations. Use the words in the box.
Complete the conversations Use the simple past
Write a paragraph to tell how you conserve at home and what you will probably do to conserve in the future
Complete the sentences. Use the information in the reading
Now rewrite the recipe Use the sequence words in the box
Now write a paragraph about your life then and now. Write what you used to do and what you do now
How is your life different now from when you were seven years old? Complete the chart with your ideas
He traveled in Africa and South America
Number the sentences in the correct order.
Fahd used to play football after school.
What did Paul think about his job at first?
What did Paul and Roger do when they were young?
Answer the questions about the story in C.
Complete the stories. Use the words from A
Unscramble the letters and write the words on the correct announcement
What can you do to change them?
Now write a paragraph about your activities. How often and how long do you do them?
What are three things that shopping addicts do?
Look at the recipe for fruit salad. Rewrite the recipe in the correct order
We eat a lot of food at my house. We always need
Write about what you eat or drink a lot of and what you don’t eat or drink enough of
Badria can eat a few vegetables on the diet
Complete the chart with the words from A
Write the name of each food
What sights do you want to see?
What are you going to do while you’re there?
Write complete sentences Use the present perfect

حل كتاب التمارين انجليزي ثالث متوسط الفصل الاول 1445
حلول منهج الانجليزي الثالث متوسط ف1 2023 super goal
حل كتاب التمارين انجليزي ثالث متوسط 1445 pdf الترم الاول

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