حل كتاب الانجليزي ثاني متوسط ف1 1445 الفصل الاول super goal 2

حل كتاب الطالب انجليزي ثاني متوسط الفصل الدراسي الاول 1445 ف1 محلول كامل super goal 2 تحميل حلول اسئلة الانجليزي الثاني متوسط الفصل الاول pdf ١٤٤٥ ٢٠٢٣ سوبر قول تو تصفح وعرض مباشر على موقع مادتي
نموذج من اسئلة منهج مقرر اللغة الانجليزية ثاني متوسط الترم الاول 2023 
English book super goal 2 term 1 1445
Where do you stay when you travel? Describe the places where you stay.
What’s the purpose of your trip
Listen to Mr. Wilson’s conversation with a hotel bellhop. Complete the information about him.
Vocabulary. Find and write down the greetings and farewells.
Work in a group to prepare a scene for a detective film. Choose a director
They are making a documentary about dolphins
The cameraman is filming the scene. He’s standing
Describe how the Internet is a useful tool for students.
With a few of your classmates, write a script for a short how-to video
What martial arts do you know about?
What kind of project is Jet working on?
Look at the picture above again. Listen and match with the person. Write the correct
Where are they filming?
Look at the picture, and answer the questions.
Complete the conversation. Use the present progressive or simple
Work with a partner. Describe the location of places on the map. Use
Work with a partner. Student A is a hotel guest: ask for directions to
10 Project Find out about youth hostels in your country. Present the information to the class.
Read the questions. Decide what information is being asked for and write it in the chart.
Check (Q) the phrase that is more polite.
Comprehension. Which people like their jobs
Write questions for the answers. Use Wh- questions.
Listen to the pronunciation of want + to. Then practice.
Raymond wants to be a lawyer. What does he say? Answer yes or no.
Name one of Saudi Arabia’s employment goals for 2030.
List 3 things that Saudi Arabia does to support the economy.
Is it more important to have a job you enjoy, or a job that
What do you want to be? Write the job in the chart below
Write about your dream job. Write about the good things and the bad things
Read the text. What does this person want to be? Underline the words
Interview three people in different occupations outside of class. Have
Ask and answer questions about Sabah.
How often does she take a shower?
Write about your usual activities. Then compare with your classmates.
Listen to the reduction of do + you. Then practice.
Talk about your favorite pastime How often do you do it?
Complete the chart with the information on aeromodels from the article.
Write notes in the chart about your hobby or pastime.
Research an unusual hobby or pastime. Present it to the class
Write about your hobby or pastime. Use your notes from the chart
What’s the name of the restaurant on the menu?
Complete the sentences. Use a or some
Complete the conversation. Use some, any, order, and would
What foods do you like best?
Make a typical menu from your country. Include food for breakfast
Write a recipe for a dish that you know how to make. Make a list of ingredients.
How do you play it? What are the rules?
Discuss the good and bad things about video games
Research healthful diets. Which foods are considered healthful and unhealthful
Think about what you do every day. Write two or three verses like
In your own words, write about a typical day in the life of

حل انجليزي ثاني متوسط الفصل الاول 1445 كتاب الطالب
حل كتاب super goal 2 ثاني متوسط الترم الاول 2023
كتاب الانجليزي ثاني متوسط ف1 1445 محلول

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