حل كتاب النشاط انجليزي ثاني متوسط ف1 الفصل الاول 1445

حل كتاب الانجليزي ثاني متوسط الفصل الاول ف1 1445 النشاط super goal 2 workbook الطبعة الجديدة تحميل حلول تمارين وتدريبات مادة الانجليزي الثاني متوسط الفصل الاول pdf 1445 2023 ترم اول على موقع مادتي
نموذج من اسئلة دروس اللغة الانجليزية ثاني متوسط الترم الاول 1445 
Complete the conversations in the hotel. Use the words in the box or use your own ideas.
You are on vacation. Fill out the information for your hotel
Read the conversation. Complete the sentences with a form of the verb be
Write complete questions. Then answer the questions for yourself.
Complete the conversation with your information.
You want to make reservations at the Beach Resort
Write the questions and answers. There may be more than one answer.
Is the cowboy reading a book
Find the mistake in each sentence. Then rewrite each sentence correctly
WRITING Write about what people are doing now. Answer the questions.
Look carefully at the photos of occupations. Answer the questions. Use the words in the box.
Write two questions for each answer. Use Wh- questions
What does your father do?
Look at the picture. How do the people get to work? Complete the sentences
Write sentences with know how to. Write about yourself. Use the words in
Complete the questions and answers. Use How often? and these frequency expressions
How often do you read the Holy Qur’an?
Rewrite each sentence. Put the adverb of frequency in the correct place.
Write T for True or F for False.
List the activities you do in your free time. Then write a paragraph
Write the sentences in the correct place to form a conversation
Where is the world’s first pizza restaurant
F WRITING Write about the food at a great restaurant in your town. What kind of restaurant
Use the words to write an affirmative and a negative sentence about each photo.
Khalid studies three times a week in the library.
Rewrite the sentences. Replace the frequency expressions with these adverbs of frequency: never, seldom,
Finish the conversation. Write questions. Use who, what, where, and when.
Write a question and an answer for each picture
Complete the sentences with too, enough, too many, or too much.
Look at the photos. Write questions and answers with would. Use a, an, and some. Then write

حل التمارين كتاب الانجليزي ثاني متوسط الفصل الاول 1445
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