حل كتاب انجليزي خامس ابتدائي الفصل الثاني ف2 1445 we can

حل كتاب الطالب الانجليزي للصف الخامس الابتدائي الفصل الدراسي الثاني ف2 1445 2023 3 pdf we can محلول كامل حلول منهج انجليزي صف خامس ابتدائي الترم الثاني للعام ١٤٤٥ وي كان ٣ تحميل وتصفح على موقع مادتي

Unit 4 From Here to There
Practice and act out the talks in pairs.
Listen, point, and say. Then write the missing letters.
Sounds and Letters Listen, say, and number. Then write the missing letters.
Practice the words in pairs. Then race your partner.
Listen and trace with your finger from each place to the next to complete your trip. Where do you end up?
Listen, say, and match. Then write the missing letters.
Write five words from the photos.
Look at the picture and circle the right word. Then listen and check.
Look at the picture, write the word, and check Q the sound. Then listen and check your answers.
Listen, point, and say. Write bl or pl.
Look at the pictures and match with bl or pl. Listen, check, and write
Read and circle L for Long or S for Short. Then listen, check, and say.
Words with gr, gl and cr, cl
Listen to the sound, check Q, and write. Then draw a line to the right picture
Listen and circle the word. Then match with a picture.
Listen, point, and say.

حل كتاب الانجليزي خامس ابتدائي الفصل الثاني 1445 
حل اللغة الانجليزية خامس ابتدائي pdf الفصل الثاني 2023
حل مادة الانجليزي الصف الخامس الابتدائي الترم الثاني ١٤٤٥ 

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